
mercredi 22 mai 2024

file comme le vent

bonjour a tous

rapidement ce matin,

 je constate que j'ai oublié de publier  cette carte...

la il faut que je me dépêche...

j'aime bien le résultat...

et vous?


dies Florilege et Joycrafts
stencil Pinkfresh
encre Distress Ranger
papiers Mondi, Folia, Neenah et Bristol
ruban recyclé d'une boite de chocolat
embossage Darice

je joue avec:

Cardz4Guyz: rayures
Crazy Frame:: stencil
Holly and Ivy tout va
:Jingle Belles: cardstock

merci de vos visites et prenez soin de vous.

9 commentaires:

  1. What a sweet card! I love the sleigh silhouette and the colors. Thanks for joining us at MTTCC! - DT Nikki

  2. Love the cool off-set shadow on your main image ... so very glad you joined our Cardstock Christmas at Jingle Belles.

  3. The halo around the sleigh and horses is very effective and the stars fit perfectly with the challenge. Thanks for linking up at Cardz4Guyz. :)

  4. Oh Fabiola, I love your Christmas card, especially the colours, and that wonderful sleigh and horses and the beautiful starts shining bright in the night sky. Great card and thanks so much for sharing it with us over at Sweet Sketch Wednesday 2 and good luck.
    Kathie SSW2~DT

  5. Love your wintery silhouette!! You nailed our "stars & stripes" theme over at Cardz 4 Guyz...and it is perfectly masculine!! Thanks for joining the fun and playing with us!!
    Deb Horst, DT #C4G347

  6. Such a beautiful Christmas card. Thanks for sharing your card at Merry Little Christmas Challenge Blog! Hope to see you again soon!! HUGS!

  7. Absolutely loving your card. Such a lovely design. The ribbon is perfect for our challenge at Sparkles Christmas. Hugs Debs DT x

  8. Very pretty. I love the colours. Thanks for joining in with my theme at Cardz4guyz. Love Dawn x

  9. Elegant and beautiful. Thanks for joining the Christmas Kickstart challenge. Hugz
