
lundi 9 décembre 2024

c'est l'heure du cadeau

 j'ai toujours beaucoup de mal

a faire des cartes masculines

et pourtant j'essaie souvent.

aujourd'hui, c'est un anniversaire au masculin

avec des papiers dans des tons de brun et de cuivre...


papiers Mondi, DCWV, Folia et Max Bringmann

dies Spellbinders et Crafters Companion

tampon Florilege

encre Distress Ranger

je joue avec:

Alphabet Challenge: rond

Crafty Catz: tout va/ pour le fun

Male Room: tout va

Simon monday: avec un dies

Word Art Wednesday: tout va

Sweet Sketch: sketch n°292

merci de vos visites et prenez soin de vous.

4 commentaires:

  1. Bonjour Fabiola - loving the masculine colours. It took me a while to see those circle mind funny is that? Anyhoo - now I can't un-see them.... :) Thank you for joining us at The Alphabet Challenge xx Lynda/Loopyloo DT

  2. Hi Fabiola, I love your masculine card. I made one for my husband it simlar colours years ago. I have a husband and two sons and always have trouble making masculine cards so I know how you feel. I love your card, the colours and your embellishments. This is a great card and thanks so much for sharing it with us over at Sweet Sketch Wednesday 2, good luck and Merry Christmas.
    Hugs Kathie

  3. thanks for sharing at Crafty Catz and Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

  4. Oh I really like this card - it could be used for any occasion and is such a clever idea. Thanks for sharing with us at The Male Room
